Cory and Danielle : Tacoma

Cory is one of Travis’ three older brothers, and Danielle is his beautiful wife. Cory and Travis shared a room growing up, and they continue to share a very similar sense of humor. They are a gorgeous couple, and we’re so happy to have them so close to us!
Cory + Danielle-197 web
Cory + Danielle-18 web
Cory + Danielle-6 web
Cory + Danielle-52 web
Cory + Danielle-38 web
Cory + Danielle-66 web
Cory + Danielle-80 web
Cory + Danielle-106 web
Cory + Danielle-215 web
Cory + Danielle-212 web
Cory + Danielle-130 web
Cory + Danielle-142 web
Cory + Danielle-157 web
Cory + Danielle-161 web
Cory + Danielle-173 web
Cory + Danielle-225 web
Cory + Danielle-227 web


  1. one day, i will be this good. incredible.

  2. NICE! I think I might have had a class with her in college.

  3. Awesome.. really nice looking shots!

  4. noice!
    frgn love the colors.

  5. I love all photos that you post. I really love the place. The looks so sweet together. They complement each other. I wish I was that guy.

  6. your family is too beautiful. nice work!

  7. Love love love the deep woods series. The one with the bit of light on them… yeah, that one is really nice.

  8. […] might recognize Cory and Danielle from some portraits we did a while back. Danielle is due in just a couple of months and we wanted to show how that baby […]

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