The Williams Family: Tacoma (In Memoriam: Kathy Williams)

Several weeks ago we were contacted by the Williams family to photograph them as a whole- for the first time. Their youngest son was serving a mission for the LDS Church. While he was away for two years, four grandchildren were born! We were thrilled at the opportunity because they have such a wonderful family, but a little apprehensive because we knew this would be difficult and maybe even emotional for us.

Kathy, the mother, was diagnosed with brain cancer about eight months ago. We knew (and they mentioned) these would most likely be the last family portraits with her.

The morning of the scheduled shoot, it was pouring rain. I thought many times about just canceling them for the time because there was no where large enough to photograph all these people and make them look half way decent. I thought about just not doing it and telling them it just wouldn’t work. I made the phone call and things changed immediately. Ron, the husband answered with a happy, chipper tone saying, “Are you ready for this crazy bunch, Jaqui?” I could hear kids laughing in the background as he tried to speak over the noise. I replied, “Of course! I am glad to hear you guys are still on and willing to brave the weather!” We planned the location and I told him we were excited to do this. He concurred.

We went to the planned location and scoped out a few spots. It was drizzling a little, so I started to get nervous. As the family arrived and we got everything set up, the sun came out and shone brightly. We could hardly keep our eyes open it was so bright! They all seemed so happy and calm. I was amazed. Once we were done and driving home, it started to rain again. A lot. And that let me know me how important it was to take these portraits. All we needed was 30 minutes of sunshine.

I kept thinking to myself, how selfish was I thinking of postponing the shoot! Ron’s voice changed my whole attitude about that day. Because although they were the ones having the photographs done, I got the most out of it. Things work out. They always do, if you have the faith. If I just decided it wasn’t going to work, I would not have the sweet experience of capturing this family in the last weeks of their mother, grandmother and wife’s life.

Here are a few of my favorites
Williams-7 edit small
Williams-5 edit smallWilliams-2 edit small

Kathy died only a couple weeks after these photographs were taken. This has been the most important thing I have done as a photographer, and I thank Heavenly Father for this humbling experience. These photographs are not the most innovative or creative work I have done or will do, but to me they represent so much more. They represent a family that is eternal. One that death cannot tear apart. I have learned to try to keep an eternal perspective on the decisions I make and the things that occupy my time. Because when we die, most of the things we do here will not matter. Everything else seems trivial.

Kathy was such a wonderful woman. I didn’t know her as well as most, but it was obvious to me what a great woman she was. Full of so much love, kindness and laughter. She was charitable, selfless and thoughtful.

The love and faith Ron and Kathy shared will forever be burned into my heart. I wish I could thank her and hug her for this wonderful experience.

Click here to read Kathy Talbot Williams’s obituary.


  1. Such beautiful photos and what an amazing gift to this family to be able to capture these moments for them; and document their connection.

  2. Jaq- I am crying. and my heart is heavy and warm. beautiful. just beautiful. I love it when god is so vividly evident in our lives…and this experience is just that. i love you and your heart.

  3. Jaq,
    Dad and I were extremely touched by this story! You truly captured the love that this family has for each other! You are right at times we lose sight of what is really important in our lives. Family is what matters most near or far. We love you too very much and are so proud of the work that you produce together!
    Momma K

  4. Jaqui, The photos are beautiful. Ron even mentioned the family picture at the service.

  5. Jaqui, I am with Shannon.. I am bawling right now, and I'm working!! That is such a beautiful story, and I am so thankful that you shared it with us. I have been feeling pretty down about things lately, and in the last few days I've had some spiritual pushes that have helped me see things in a new perspective. This story is one of those things, and I really appreciate it. You are such an amazing person (and photographer!) Miss you!!

  6. I really enjoy your photographs! This story is so special.

  7. Wow… what an AMAZING experience, Jaqui. I am grateful for this reminder of how short life is, but how eternal our relationships are and not to let them go.

  8. What a wonderful experience for you. Your words are very touching and emotional. So amazing that you were able to capture their love for each other on film. Awesome job,, love you.

  9. jaqui,
    this made me teary eyed!
    i love the picture with all the babies/kids! it's adorable!

  10. What a raw and real post. It can be easy to be pushing forward in your business trying to be innovative and creative and attracting certain cliental. The Lord has a gentle way of reminding us how important family is and how much he can use us in eternal ways to bless others. I can imagine these photos will be treasured for future generations in that family as they arise and call Kathy blessed. Really enjoyed this post, thank you for giving more of the story.

  11. Just read your comments about your experience with the Williams’ family photo session, now nearly 3 yrs old! We’ve loved the Williams Family since we first met them…before kids! A great example to us!

    Rick Hartman says:

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