The Bemis Family : Tacoma

We love the Bemis family! They are such a beautiful, sweet family, and their children are darling! We recently spent a little time with them, shooting some portraits in their backyard and at a nearby park. They were troopers as they put up with the cold weather! Bemis Family-42 30 web
Bemis Family-62 web
Bemis Family-86 web
Bemis Family-203 155 web
Bemis Family-132 web
Bemis Family-102 22 web
Bemis Family-157 web
Bemis Family-187 189
Bemis Family-177 web
Bemis Family-198 web
Bemis Family-230 126 web
Bemis Family-207 web
Bemis Family-222 web
Bemis Family-219 web
Bemis Family-252 web
Bemis Family-262 web
Bemis Family-267 web

One Comment »

  1. continually inspiring. i love you both. and i hope 20010 finds you happy and HEALTHY:)

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