Personal : Seattle

Jaquilyn and I really believe in being local tourists. It’s easy to travel to distant lands to be tourists — but to be tourists in your own area is a lot cheaper and can be just as rewarding. Here are a few photographs we shot on a recent ferry ride up to Seattle! By the way, if you’re not in the Seattle/Tacoma area, come visit. You’ll love it!
seattle 141 web
seattle 129 web
seattle 155 web
seattle 153 web
seattle 156 web
seattle 159 web


  1. I love these. They're so crisp. I need to get up there, I've never been and I know I'd love it.

  2. i need to come visit….. asap.

  3. That pike place market sign photo is soooo good. Talk about taking something that is so over photographed and making it look new. KILLEr composition.

    Not to mention… i love octagonal sans serif type. But that is a whole different conversation. Don't get me started.. don't even get me started.

  4. ooooh! I can't wait to come visit! these are great

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